Blackthorn (Taurian Empire) Read online

Page 19

  Logan hesitated. He wondered briefly what this man’s life was like. All this pomp and ceremony. Having to be constantly shielded from threats. It must not be easy.

  “Ah, here we are,” the emperor said as he stepped towards a group in the crowd.

  “Logan, Kaylee, may I introduce my cousin, the Duke, and Duchess of Kent and their nephew, Captain Townsend.”

  Kaylee immediately dropped into a curtsey, so Logan figured what the hell and followed her lead. Bowing at the waist, he desperately tried to figure out why the emperor was doing this.

  Smiling, the emperor turned to the group, “Johnathon, Marissa. I thought you might want to meet the people who discovered your plans.”

  The group registered quick, confused expressions with a faint hint of fear.

  Turning to his guard, the Emperor said, “Arrest them,”

  The three people turned ashen white as the Marines stepped forward and took their arms in firm grips.

  “Your Highness ...” The Duke of Kent sputtered.

  “Treason is a serious thing, Johnathon. And the murder of an imperial naval spacer is even worse,” the emperor said as he turned away and motioned for Kaylee and Logan to join him.

  “Now then, where were we ... Oh yes, my KC 182. Which do you prefer? A top hat antenna or a long wire?” he asked Logan.

  Logan’s world spun in a dozen different directions. What had just happened? Kaylee was as white as a New Kansas rabbit.

  The emperor saw their startled expressions and smiled.

  “Appearances,” he said. “It is important that the people see these things. The trial will be long and quite public. Don’t worry, though. We have more than enough evidence. You won’t have to sit around and wait for the trial. With the information you provided. It was what we needed to point us in the right direction. Once we knew where to look. We found all evidence we needed. The case is open and shut.”

  Kaylee nodded and glanced over at Logan. He felt his heart jump. What now? he wondered. Was this the end? Was this why they were here?

  The Emperor smiled and indicated he wanted them to come with him.

  Logan swallowed hard as they reached the small stage, the Foreign Minister greeted them with a smile and directed them to stand to the side.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” the emperor began, addressing the crowd. Logan wondered briefly if the man’s voice was amplified or if he had just been taught how to capture an entire room’s attention.

  “Thank you for coming,” the Emperor continued. “I know it was short notice, but I asked the Foreign Minister to organize this. I thought the loyal subjects of the Empire might enjoy seeing traitors exposed. But the real reason we are here is to recognize two outstanding people. ”

  Logan glanced over at Kaylee, she was smiling, but he could see the hesitant doubt in her eyes.

  “We are here today, to award the Imperial Medal of Freedom. The highest civilian award we can bestow. To Miss Kaylee Williams for her outstanding service to the Empire. At great risk to herself. Miss Williams performed brilliantly. Risking her life, she carried vital information through many trials and dangers to bring it safely here to Taurus. Her devotion to duty and dedication to service bring great pride to her family and to the empire. If it were not for such people, the empire would not long survive.”

  Logan’s smile felt like it was going to break his face. His heart soared. They were recognizing Kaylee for all that she had done. No one deserved it more. Glancing out into the crowd, he found her father. The man looked as proud as a parent could.

  The crowd applauded as the foreign minister reached up to drape an orange ribbon with a large gold medallion around Kaylee’s neck.

  She held the medal in her hands, examining it, as if unable to believe it was true.

  “And,” the Emperor continued. “We are gathered here to recognize Petty Officer Logan Miller of His Majesties Imperial Navy, for gallant and brave service above and beyond the call of duty. Petty Officer Miller repeated risked his life to escort Miss Williams and her vital information all the way from Montlake to Taurus. With extraordinary skill and initiative, he repeatedly defeated all attempts to stop him in completing his orders. Petty Officer Miller has upheld the highest traditions of the Imperial Navy and is awarded the Imperial Cross. As you know, this medal is only awarded to military members who risk their lives in direct support of the Emperor himself. Petty Officer Miller did that, repeatedly. Without his outstanding performance, The Empire itself might have fallen.

  Logan’s mind went blank. Why hadn’t they told him? Given him some kind of warning. Did this mean he wasn’t going to the brig?

  Admiral Harris smiled from ear to ear as he draped the Navy Blue ribbon with the stainless steel cross around his neck.

  “You know,” the admiral said as he ensured that the medal hung correctly. “The steel for these comes from the original ship, the Aurora. The first ship to pass into interstellar space. Over three hundred years ago. Only eleven men have ever worn it.”

  Logan nodded. Every person in the galaxy knew the story of the Aurora.

  A flurry up and to the right caught his eye. The miniature video drones were capturing every moment. The vids would be sent out to the entire galaxy. He wondered briefly if Judge Simpson would be watching.

  Next, his mind flashed to the picture of the guys on the ship were seeing this. They should be here, he thought. It wasn’t fair. But then, knowing Jonesy, he would have much preferred a night of liberty instead of getting stuck here.

  Once the applause had settled down, the emperor stepped back in front of Logan and smiled.

  “I know it isn’t protocol,” he said. “But, may I shake your hand.”

  Logan simply nodded as the man’s force field dropped and he reached out his hand.

  A gasp went up from the crowd. Logan noticed all four marines moved closer to their charge. It seemed that this wasn’t exactly normal procedure.

  The Emperor ignored them and shook Logan’s hand.

  “Thank you,” he said in a whisper that would not be captured by the video drones. “I do apologize for the suddenness of it all. But you will understand.”

  “Um, Yes, Sir,” Logan replied. What else could he have said?

  The Emperor squeezed his hand firmly, then stepped back as the force field once again wrapped around him.

  “And here you are,” the Emperor said as he escorted the pair back to Kaylee’s father. “Back with your friends.” He smiled at them and thanked them once again for all that they had done.

  “Kaylee, I’ve instructed the Foreign Minister to make sure you are put on the department’s payroll. If you’re going to be doing the job, you might as well get paid for it. The only question is do you want to continue working with your father or strike out on your own.

  Kaylee frowned and said, “Thank you, Sir, I really haven’t thought about it yet.” Her eyes glanced over at Logan for a second before bringing them back to the Emperor.

  ”And Logan,” the Emperor continued. “When you get a chance, ask the admiral about the benefits that come with the medal.

  Logan frowned. He had never heard about any benefits being associated with the medal. But then, the last one awarded had been almost sixty years ago.

  The emperor smiled again to each of them. Then turned and walked out of the room. The sole remaining imperial marine close behind him.

  Once, the emperor had left, Kaylee’s father hugged her then held out his hand and shook Logan’s hand vigorously.

  Logan hesitated for a moment, then shook the man’s hand.

  Lieutenant Commander White smiled and pounded him on the back as he repeated over and over, “Well done, well done.”

  Logan smiled back and asked, “Did you know about this? Sir.”

  “Not a clue,” the skipper replied. “But it is nice to see the empire get something right occasionally.”

  “Are you disparaging the empire, White,” Admiral Harris said as he came up to the group. “Not a
wise thing at the moment,” he added with a smile.

  “No, Sir,” Lieutenant Commander White said as his face suddenly took on a very serious frown.

  The Admiral winked at Logan and stuck his hand out. “I was very happy to give you that medal son. You’ve made the Navy Proud.”

  “Thank You, Sir,” Logan said as he swallowed hard. He wondered if his life would ever be normal again. He glanced over at Kaylee, her father had her in a tight hug as if he never wanted to let go.

  For the first time that night, Logan truly realized what he was going to lose. He had always known it was coming. But he had never really believed it.

  But now, after all this. His dreams seemed too far away.

  Stepping away, he whispered to the admiral, “Sir, the Emperor said I should ask you about the benefits that come with the medal. What did he mean?”

  The old admiral smiled. “There are quite a lot of them. The medal gives you immediate release from the service. If you want it. The Navy, of course, will want you to stay in. They’ll use you for recruiting, I imagine. Once they are done, you’ll get to select your next billet. Cruiser, frigate, explorer, headquarters here on Taurus. Whatever you want. They will also offer you promotion of course, to Chief Petty Officer. Officer candidate school if you want. It would be easy to arrange, I do the evaluations for the board member. So they have a tendency to listen to my recommendations.

  “Oh,” Logan said as his mind whirled with possibilities.

  “Of course,” the admiral continued. “There is the whole land grant issue. But that is good at any time, in or out of the Navy.”

  “Land grant?” Logan asked as his heart stopped beating for a second.

  “Yes,” the admiral continued. “The Imperial Cross recipient is always awarded a hundred square miles of imperial land on any planet of their choice. Of course, only if it hasn’t already been granted to someone else.”

  Logan froze. Could this be true, he had never heard of this. “Square miles? Not acres?”

  The admiral laughed and nodded.

  “One thing the empire has a lot of is land, and it likes to issue it out to trusted citizens. If it was me,” the admiral said with a discerning look. “I’d go to one of the newer planets. Some placed that hadn’t been picked over yet. Build something.”

  Logan’s mind raced with possibilities as he nodded his head. Could he?

  Glancing at Kaylee, his heart hitched for a moment. She was so beautiful. So sweet and kind, all mixed with strength. It was now, or never. One thing he knew, he could not spend the rest of his life regretting not knowing.

  “Excuse me, Sir,” Logan said to Ambassador Williams. “Can I speak to Kaylee alone for a moment?”

  The Ambassador’s brow narrowed for a moment as he glanced at his daughter. “Of course,” he said as she stepped away.

  Kaylee’s eyes bore into him, querying, wondering what he was up to. Logan took a deep breath and gave her a quick smile as he guided her away from the group.

  Once he was safely out of range, he turned to her and froze.

  She was looking up at him expectantly, her eyes dancing with that special sparkle she had.

  “Listen, Kaylee, we probably won’t have long, and there is something I have to say.”

  She nodded, her eyes becoming very focused as she studied him.

  “The thing is, I know you come from a different world. You are used to things. Things I could ... The thing is. Over these last few weeks...”

  “Yes,” she said with a small whisper.

  Logan felt his world shift again.

  “The thing is Kaylee, I’ve fallen in love with you. But, it is not really that simple.”

  Kaylee smiled and gently reached up to touch his arm. “Love is never simple, Logan.”

  He sighed, “Don’t I know it.”

  She smiled softly up at him. “Listen, Logan ...”

  “No,” he interrupted. “Let me finish. I need to say this or I will spend the rest of my life second guessing myself.”

  She nodded and bit the corner of her lip.

  “Kaylee, I am in love with you. I think I have been since you fell into my arms onboard the Voltaire. I know I am only a spacer. And you’ve...”

  “Logan,” she interrupted again. “Just ask. The answer will be yes. When a girl loves a boy as much as I love you, the answer will always be yes.”

  Logan’s jaw dropped for a moment. Had he heard what he thought he had heard? Did she really mean it?

  “If you want, Once I get out of the Navy, I could live here on Taurus. Or really anywhere. If that’s what you want.”

  Kaylee laughed gently and shook her head. “Logan, under no circumstances will you ever be part of this world. I could never be happy knowing how unhappy you were here. Besides. I don’t think my world could handle you. Too much honor and honesty might break the system.”

  Logan’s heart continued to race as he tried to understand what Kaylee was saying. Was it possible?

  “What are you saying?” he asked in that direct manner of his.

  She smiled. “What I am saying is that somewhere around Azortha, I realized that my new dream in life was to be a farmer. Or better yet, a farmer’s wife. A pioneer.”

  “Really,” he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.

  “Yes, really. This life, embassies, court intrigue. It has never been something I wanted or dreamt of. All I’ve ever wanted was to create something of importance. Family, traditions, something that means something.”

  Logan let out a long breath as he looked at the woman he would always love. Smiling, he took her head in his hands and gently kissed her. To hell with her father and the rest of these people. This was his woman, and she loved him.


  Logan stepped up next to his wife and looked down at their valley. She held their daughter's hand. If she didn’t, the toddler would be off chasing her two older brothers, Jason, and Henry. Sometimes, he wondered if perhaps their daughter was going to be the most difficult. With two brothers showing her how to get in trouble, the girl was going to be a handful. But then, he sort of liked the idea.

  He smiled to himself. Life was pretty good when the worst thing he had to worry about was his beautiful daughter chasing her brothers.

  On the new planet of Intrepid. They had their choice of land. One look at this valley, and they had both known.

  Twenty miles long, White creek winding its way between Peterson’s Ridge on the left, and Jonesy’s bluff on the right. Both of them coming together at the bottom of the V where the creek had pushed a bank of sand up against the cliffs at Drake’s Rift. A narrow cut that led into the mountains behind them.

  He loved this time of day. The sun an hour from setting. In the far distance, a pair of Yarks were stalking a herd of Kairns. The soft scent of green grass and distant rain washing over him. Kaylee had been right to make him keep most of the valley in its pristine condition.

  They’d turned some of it into a very productive farm. But the majority had been left as they found it.

  When he wasn’t working on the farm, he was working in his shop. Always tweaking some new gadget that would make their life easier.

  He looked down at her and caught her looking up at him with a smile. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

  Slowly, she raised an eyebrow at him, making him laugh. The woman was insatiable. Oh well, she always wanted more children. Heaven knew, they would have room to roam and grow.

  They would grow up in a loving family. Exploring and building a new world. Who could ask for more?


  Author Notes

  I would like to thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. As always, I would like to thank my family and friends. No author is an island. We absorb experiences from the people around us and twist them into what we need for the story.

  I want to thank fellow authors Kristi Rose, Anya Monroe, Eryn Scott, John Pelkey, and Rick Soper. Their help
was invaluable.

  As an additional note. I wish to thank Ms. Sheryl Turner for her assistance. As always I couldn’t have done it without her. Any mistakes are mine, all the good things are due to her help.

  This book is dedicated to the Twenty-Three men who lost their lives aboard the USCGC Blackthorn in 1981 In Tampa Fl. I was stationed aboard the USCGC Storis in Kodiak AK at the time and remember the distress relay come over the radio all the way from St. Petersburg. It was a sad day for the Coast Guard.

  A few years later. I was stationed on board the buoy tender ‘Sedge’ out of Homer AK. We serviced the buoy’s from Cook Inlet to the Bearing sea, with an occasional run out to the Aleutians.

  We were always underappreciated and overworked by HQ. The crew was tight, and the skipper was great. Even if we did get a little wild in Dutch Harbor occasionally. Oh, how I miss those days.

  If you enjoyed this book. I thought you might enjoy my book ‘'INTREPID'. I’ve put the first chapter here for you to try. Check it out.

  If you need to contact me. Email me at [email protected]. I am always interested in hearing from my readers.

  Thank you again.


  Chapter One

  Petty Officer Second Class, Erik Tanner, hated briefcases. He hated everything about them. The way they looked, their leathery smell, the cold plastic handles. Most of all, he hated the people who used them.

  The only people worse were farmers.

  I mean, come on, he thought. Everyone has their own data flex embedded in their hip containing all of the known recorded information in the universe. Why would anyone need a briefcase? The pretentious little twits.

  Standing at the bottom of the shuttle’s staircase, he tried to ignore his pounding headache and shoulders that screamed every time he moved. That last night of liberty was always the worst, or the best, depending on how you looked at it.

  Scanning the people entering the terminal, he shook his head and then winced at the movement. Most of them carrying useless briefcases, all of them rushing to be someplace else. None of it really important.